Contour Image Beauty Contoured To Your Image Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:53:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Contour Image 32 32 211582614 Unveiling Freckles: Skin Tone Truth & the Path to Flawless Complexion Sun, 20 Aug 2023 23:40:57 +0000   Are you tired of dealing with freckles and longing for a smoother, more even complexion? As someone who has personally struggled with freckles, I understand the desire to remove them. While freckles are often seen as attractive and even enviable, there are instances where they can become distracting. The good news is that there are effective ways to diminish and even eliminate freckles. In...

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Are you tired of dealing with freckles and longing for a smoother, more even complexion? As someone who has personally struggled with freckles, I understand the desire to remove them. While freckles are often seen as attractive and even enviable, there are instances where they can become distracting. The good news is that there are effective ways to diminish and even eliminate freckles. In this article, I will share valuable insights and methods for achieving a more even skin tone, helping you regain confidence in your complexion. Let’s dive right in!

In my journey as someone with numerous freckles and a licensed Esthetician, I’ve come to understand the fascinating science behind why freckles appear on our skin. It all boils down to the melanocytes, special cells located in the bottom layer of the epidermis.

Melanocytes are responsible for producing melanin, which gives color to our skin. When exposed to UV rays, these cells become more active, resulting in a darker pigmentation. This heightened activity is actually a protective response, as melanin acts as a shield for our cells’ DNA against the damaging effects of UV radiation.

While some individuals have an even distribution of melanin throughout their body, others with fairer skin tones develop freckles, technically known as Macules. However, even individuals with darker skin tones can experience a sprinkling of freckles.

Freckles occur when melanin is not evenly distributed, causing certain melanocytes to be more active than others in specific areas, leading to the formation of darker spots. Although some people find freckles appealing and they have even become a trend in the world of makeup, it’s important to note that freckles are actually a sign of sun damage. Over time, freckles can contribute to a blotchy and uneven skin tone.

Driven by my desire for healthier and more balanced skin as I age, I have embarked on a journey to reduce my freckles. One effective method I have been exploring is medium-grade peels, which promote graceful aging by evening out the skin tone and preventing the development of dark, blotchy patches. By investing in my skin’s health now, I aim to minimize potential skin concerns in the future.

Understanding the underlying causes of freckles and their connection to sun damage empowers us to take proactive steps in caring for our skin. Through targeted treatments and responsible sun protection, we can work towards achieving a complexion that not only looks radiant but also maintains its vitality over time.

Believe it or not, freckles are actually signs of sun damage and can worsen over time. To start with, it is crucial to prioritize sun protection if you haven’t already. This will prevent further sun damage when you’re out and about. Avoid sunbathing and make sure to use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. SPF 15 is not sufficient, so be sure to opt for broad-spectrum protection (which is commonly available nowadays).

Next, you should focus on reducing and evening out your skin tone. Seeking the assistance of an esthetician who can provide a peel is a great step. There are various types of peels available:

1. Medium-grade peels: These peels are effective at exfoliating the skin, but they won’t actually make you “peel”. It may take some time for these peels to remove dark spots like freckles, but

consistent use (about once a week) will lead to an evening out of your skin tone.

2. Deep-grade peels: These peels do result in peeling, and you may require downtime of 1-2 weeks. Initially, your skin may resemble that of a burned victim. However, these peels are highly effective in quickly achieving an even skin tone. You’ll notice significant improvement shortly after the peeling phase.

Another option worth considering is laser treatment. Keep in mind that in some states, you may need to consult a doctor for this procedure. Laser treatment works similarly to deep peels but affects the skin in a different manner.

Additionally, you could supplement your efforts to even out your skin tone by taking trace minerals that contain copper. As we age, our bodies become depleted of copper, and modern diets often lack sufficient trace minerals. Copper deficiency can lead to signs such as lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and graying hair. If you consistently take copper supplements, you’ll start to notice your skin tone evening out, lines smoothing out, and even gray hair falling out and being replaced by pigment-rich hair. I’ve personally experienced these positive effects.

It’s worth noting that the process of gray hair turning pigmented again typically starts from the nap

of the neck and gradually progresses to the top and front of the head, followed by the sides. This transformation can take some time, so be patient and consistent in your copper supplementation.

By following these tips and seeking the appropriate treatments, you can effectively remove freckles and achieve a more even skin tone. Remember to prioritize sun protection and consult with a professional for the best results. Embrace the journey and enjoy the transformation of your skin!

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The Path to Skin Care Perfection: Must-Have Guide for Beginners Mon, 21 Aug 2023 23:48:49 +0000   Often times, when someone encounters a skin concern or is just looking to improve their image, one common topic that comes to mind is skin care. You may be thinking, “Now is the time to start a skin care routine. But what exactly is a skin care “routine” and what should I include in my skin care?” If you’re just starting a skin care...

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Often times, when someone encounters a skin concern or is just looking to improve their image, one common topic that comes to mind is skin care. You may be thinking, “Now is the time to start a skin care routine. But what exactly is a skin care “routine” and what should I include in my skin care?”

If you’re just starting a skin care routine, a cleanser, moisturizer, and sun protection is a good start. But if you want more effective, preventative results or want to reduce any skin concerns, following the steps below is optimum in a skin care routine. 

The Basic Skin Care Products for Beginners

Like we mentioned earlier, a cleanser, moisturizer and sun protection is the bare-bone minimum when caring for your skin.

  • A cleanser will remove, dirt and excess oil off your skin
  • A moisturizer will protect your skin from the outside elements and free radical damage while locking in skin moisture
  • An SPF will protect your skin from the harmful UV rays.

These three products are necessary to keep skin healthy. If you haven’t acquired a skin care regimen, these three products are a good start in creating a habit. Practice daily and nightly (SPF only needs to be done in the morning) in this order. This will set you up for success when you’re ready to implement other skin care products into your regimen.

Skin Care Routine Step-by-Step

If you’re looking to broaden your skin care routine and optimize your skin’s health, incorporating the list of skin care products will guide you to reduce and even reverse skin concerns and help slow down the natural aging process:

Makeup Remover

If you wear makeup, it’s important to use a makeup remover before cleansing your skin. Even when a cleanser can remove makeup, it’s not a good idea to be smearing it all over your skin while cleansing.

A makeup remover will help break down the oil barrier in the makeup’s formula and help remove MOST makeup. It’s important to wipe makeup up off gently especially around the eye area where skin is most delicate.


Use a cleanser to wash away dirt, excess oil, and any makeup residue left behind by the makeup remover. Choose a cleanser suitable for your skin type.


It is recommended to exfoliate your skin once a week. However, it is important to avoid using mechanical scrubs, which can potentially damage your skin by causing micro-tears. Instead, I suggest opting for an enzyme mask as a gentler alternative. Enzyme masks work by dissolving dead skin cells, resulting in a more even exfoliation. This type of exfoliation not only helps to improve moisture levels in the skin but also reduces sun damage and softens the appearance of lines and wrinkles, unlike mechanical scrubs.


After using an enzyme mask, it is important to follow up with a toner, also known as a freshener. Enzyme masks have a slightly more acidic pH level than the natural balance of the skin in order to effectively dissolve dead skin cells. Using a toner helps restore the skin’s pH balance after using an enzyme mask.

Even on days when you don’t use an enzyme mask, using a toner after cleansing is still beneficial. It helps remove any residue left behind by soap or cleanser, ensuring a clean canvas for better absorption of subsequent skincare products. By incorporating a toner into your routine, you can optimize the effectiveness of your skincare regimen and promote healthier, more hydrated skin.


Incorporating facial masks into your skincare routine is essential for maintaining good skin health. These masks play a vital role in balancing and nourishing your skin with the necessary nutrients. However, it is important to choose the right type of mask based on your skin type, as certain masks can be beneficial while others may be harmful.

Typically, it is recommended to use facial masks at least once a week. However, the frequency may vary depending on your specific skin type and the type of mask you are using. It is crucial to assess your skin’s needs and select a mask that addresses those needs effectively.

By incorporating the appropriate masks into your skincare regimen, you can provide your skin with the essential nourishment it requires, promoting a healthier and more radiant complexion.


Serums are concentrated treatments that target specific skin concerns like anti-aging, sun damage, skin hydration, sensitivity, acne, and sometimes skin texture. I like to call these “Boosters.” These Boosters offer targeted solutions to enhance the overall health and appearance of your skin.


Moisturizers play a crucial role in the skincare routine by effectively sealing in moisture. It is important to understand that moisturizers do not directly provide moisture to the skin, as it is often misunderstood. Their main function is to lock in the existing moisture in the skin. A moisturizer achieves this by combining a blend of water and oils (or oil substitutes in the case of oil-free moisturizers).

By incorporating both water and oil elements, moisturizers work to preserve and retain the skin’s own moisture. This not only helps to retain hydration, which is vital for the skin’s health, but also serves as a protective barrier against environmental factors. Additionally, many moisturizers are enriched with beneficial ingredients that can address specific skin concerns, similar to the benefits offered by serums.

Therefore, using a moisturizer is essential for maintaining skin health as it helps to protect and nourish the skin, while ensuring optimal hydration retention.

Face Oil

Face oils offer multiple benefits when incorporated into a skincare routine. In addition to providing an extra layer of protection, they can enhance the effectiveness of a moisturizer. For individuals with oily skin, face oils can also aid in regulating the skin’s natural oil production, promoting a more balanced complexion.

Sun Protection

Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen every morning. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it generously to all exposed areas of your skin.

The image above showcases skin care products that are designed to fulfill three important functions: cleaning, feeding, and protecting the skin. These three pillars encompass the essence of skincare, as they address the fundamental needs of our skin.

Other Things To Consider In Your Skin Care Routine:

When it comes to choosing the right skincare products, it’s crucial to consider a few important factors. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Know Your Skin Type

Understanding your skin type is essential in selecting suitable products. Your skin type is determined by the natural oil production of your skin, which forms a protective barrier called the Acid Mantel. Identifying your skin type will help determine the appropriate products and frequency of use to maintain a balanced and healthy complexion.

There are only four skin types.

The 4 Skin Types

Understanding your skin type is essential as it determines the amount of natural oil your skin produces. There are four main skin types: oily, dry, combination, and normal. It’s important to note that sensitivity is not a skin type but rather a condition that can affect any skin type.

Interestingly, a study conducted by the Skin Trust Club revealed that 63% of women are incorrect about their skin type. This highlights the importance of accurately identifying your skin type to ensure that you are using appropriate products and implementing a tailored skincare routine for your specific needs.

If you’re unsure about your skin type or have never identified it before, there is an easy way to find out. You can take a simple skin type quiz that will help determine your skin type accurately. By taking this FREE quiz, you will receive a PDF guide discussing your specific skin type along with recommended skincare products and a regimen.

Understanding your skin type is crucial in selecting the right products that will effectively work for your skin’s needs. By identifying your skin type, you can make informed decisions and create a customized skincare routine that caters to your unique skin characteristics. Taking the skin type quiz will provide you with valuable insights to enhance your skincare journey.

Understand Your Skin Conditions

Distinguishing between your skin type and skin conditions is vital. Skin conditions are specific issues that your skin may develop and can arise due to various factors. On the other hand, skin types refer to the inherent characteristics of your skin, which can make certain skin conditions more likely to occur. However, it is important to note that anyone, regardless of skin type, can experience these common skin concerns:

Dehydrated/Dry Skin

If you notice that your skin is producing oil, yet it appears dry, rough, flaky, or red, you may be experiencing a dry skin condition, which is different from having a dry skin type. This condition indicates that your skin is lacking in water and requires replenishment. Simply increasing your water intake may not fully solve this issue.

Several factors can contribute to dehydrated skin, including:
– Not using a moisturizer to protect your skin from moisture loss
– Dry climate or seasonal changes
– Sunburns, either present or in the past
– Water-based activities like swimming or surfing, which can dehydrate the skin
– Frequent sun exposure
– Certain occupations or lifestyles, such as being a cook or baker, where exposure to ovens or flames can quickly dehydrate the skin on a daily basis
– Overuse of scrubs

Sensitive/Reactive Skin

Sensitivity is not just a skin type; it is a condition. It is important to understand that you may not necessarily have sensitive skin, but rather reactive skin. Sensitive skin will exhibit reactions and undesired changes when certain products are applied. On the other hand, reactive skin will also experience these symptoms, but the reaction may not occur consistently with the same product or ingredient every time.

There are several factors that can contribute to this, including skin damage, the presence of certain microorganisms on the skin (microbiome), and sensitive immune responses. Common ingredients that can trigger immune responses include fragrances, preservatives, and certain sunscreens. Therefore, it is advisable to use soothing and gentle products that are suitable for these skin conditions. Additionally, being aware of the specific ingredients that cause negative reactions will be beneficial in managing your skin’s reactivity.

Sun Damaged Skin

Your skin cells are constantly on high alert to defend against harm. However, when you consistently neglect to provide protection, your melanocytes, which are responsible for producing melanin, can go into hyperdrive. They become overactive and distribute melanin unevenly to your skin cells. As a result, your DNA can get damaged, leading to the formation of dark, uneven, and unsightly spots on your skin. These are all indicators of sun damage.

Scientific research has found that a staggering 80% of the aging process is attributed to sun-related damage. It’s astonishing to note that 90% of this damage occurs before we even reach the age of 18! Therefore, it is crucial to take a proactive approach by consistently using sun protection factors (SPFs) to prevent this type of damage.

Aging Skin

Many individuals believe that aging is an inevitable and natural part of life, without any means of escaping its effects. However, the significant transformations our skin undergoes as we age are primarily attributed to cellular damage. During the process of cell division (mitosis), the resulting sister cell is created in the same state as the original cell prior to division. If damage persists throughout our lifetime, cells accumulate more and more damage, ultimately becoming almost unrecognizable.

To counteract this aging process, it is crucial to adopt a proactive approach by incorporating suitable products and a proper skincare regimen. By doing so, we can effectively reverse and prevent the signs of aging.

Textured Skin

Causes of rough-textured skin often stem from the accumulation of dead skin cells. Normally, as skin cells mature and die, they are naturally shed to reveal fresh, new cells.

However, various factors such as environmental conditions, diet, and inadequate skin care can contribute to the buildup of dead skin cells, resulting in an uneven, dry, and rough texture.

The presence of sebum, the natural oil in your skin, can further hinder the shedding of dead cells. It acts as a “glue” that holds them onto the skin’s surface. When these dead skin cells linger for too long, not only do more dead cells accumulate beneath them, but the skin itself becomes hardened.

The accumulation of dead skin cells leads to a dull and lackluster appearance, often described as “ashy” skin. In contrast, live and healthy skin cells are soft, moist, and smooth, lending a natural glow to the skin.

To address this issue, it becomes crucial to use products or techniques that can effectively dissolve the sebum and facilitate natural exfoliation. This process removes the buildup of dead skin cells, making way for the emergence of healthier, new skin cells.

Proper exfoliation is key in achieving a smoother and more radiant complexion.


Acne is a widespread problem that extends beyond adolescence; it can persist into adulthood. Additionally, it is not only limited to individuals with oily skin. While oily skin is more prone to acne due to excess oil production, it can also impact those with normal or dry skin types. From my personal experience, I have found that acne is often an internal issue. Taking a proactive approach is essential in addressing and resolving acne-related concerns.


In conclusion, having a thorough understanding of your skin type and skin conditions is essential for maintaining healthy, radiant skin. Your skin type, which is determined by the amount of natural oil production, helps guide the selection of appropriate skincare products and routines to keep your skin balanced and nourished. On the other hand, skin conditions are specific concerns that can affect individuals regardless of their skin type. By recognizing the distinction between the two, you can address and prevent various skin concerns effectively.

Remember, skincare is a journey that requires patience and adaptability. It is important to listen to your skin’s needs and make adjustments as necessary. Regularly assess your skincare routine and products, considering your evolving skin concerns and the changing seasons.

By staying knowledgeable about your skin, choosing suitable products, and sticking to a consistent skincare routine, you can achieve optimal skin health and restore your skin’s natural vitality. So, embrace the power of skincare education, personalize your routine, and let your skin radiate with confidence and beauty.

Thanks for reading.

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The post The Path to Skin Care Perfection: Must-Have Guide for Beginners appeared first on Contour Image.
