
My name is Sharon Ports, founder of Contour Image.

I started Contour Image to help women and girls understand their beauty.

Let me explain.

I grew up being the slowest reader in my class and the worst speller. To make matters worse, I was overweight. I didn’t feel pretty in any way, and I just wanted to be normal like all the other girls.

By the time I was 13, I eventually lost the excess weight by working hard but always struggled with my appearance. When I was in middle school, I recognized that I didn’t want to look like everyone else. I wanted to embrace my differences. 

It wasn’t until I was 25 that I learned about color analysis. When I started applying the knowledge, I started receiving compliments. This made me feel attractive and my self esteem began to rise. 

Because of this positive outcome, I believe that women of every age should learn about improving their image. 

In 2013, I went to school and became an esthetician to help other women improve their beauty image. 

Soon, I founded Contour Image and am now working to help women embrace their true beauty by enhancing their natural features. 

At Contour Image, we believe that every woman and young girl is made beautifully. We believe it’s about the individual taking a personal journey to understand HOW to enhance her beauty through her overall appearance. We do this by utilizing the Golden Ratio and Color Theory while using a 3-step system to keep things simple, convenient, and fun with lasting results. We also want shopping for apparel and beauty products to be stress-free, while saving time and money.

Contour Image is about showing women and girls HOW to work with their unique and natural beauty.

We use the “Golden Ratio” which explains the theory of beauty while also incorporating color analysis. This allows women to achieve real results at their own pace.

This approach allows women to take control of their own beauty image while building confidence.

Contour Image Mission: Contour Image strives to help women and girls look their absolute best by enhancing their overall appearance. We offer quality and lasting results with a stress-free experience while saving time, money, & space.

Contour Image is growing and is in its beginning phase. Skin care is the first topic followed by color analysis. Contour Image will develop products and information on hair care, nail care, makeup, clothing and accessories in the near future.

If you haven’t already purchased the guide: The Golden Ratio And You: Look Stunning, Effortlessly, Always, you can grab your copy now.

This book explains how to build confidence through image by using the exact method Contour Image utilizes, found in this book.


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